vers. 15 Feb 2024 - beta

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4/30/2024 5:56 PM  DH2YBG

4/30/2024 5:55 PM  IW2EHQ
You have worked Kaliningrad. Just reached 51 countries!

4/30/2024 5:55 PM  sp9tk

4/30/2024 5:53 PM  IW2EHQ
You have worked Hungary. Just reached 50 countries!

4/30/2024 5:53 PM  G6VSM

4/30/2024 5:49 PM  KF7VY
You have worked East Malaysia. Just reached 93 countries!

4/30/2024 5:47 PM  G0YCE

4/30/2024 5:46 PM  oz1akz

4/30/2024 5:42 PM  DF3MT
You have worked Suriname. Just reached 92 countries!

4/30/2024 5:41 PM  OK5LR
You have worked Ogasawara. Just reached 232 countries!

4/30/2024 5:36 PM  ik4pkl

4/30/2024 5:34 PM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to EA7LBT

4/30/2024 5:32 PM  DM2AB

4/30/2024 5:27 PM  DB2HA

4/30/2024 5:25 PM  F8HJV
You have worked Kazakhstan. Just reached 77 countries!

4/30/2024 5:25 PM  IW2JOP
You have worked Bhutan. Just reached 222 countries!

4/30/2024 5:24 PM  mm0jnl

4/30/2024 5:23 PM  SP9APA
You have worked East Malaysia. Just reached 139 countries!

4/30/2024 5:22 PM  sv2hjq

4/30/2024 5:21 PM  sp4ac

4/30/2024 5:19 PM  KE8STO

4/30/2024 5:18 PM  hb9xby

4/30/2024 5:13 PM  IV3KAS
You have worked Austral Islands. Just reached 247 countries!

4/30/2024 5:12 PM  LB7DJ
You have worked Bhutan. Just reached 150 countries!

4/30/2024 5:12 PM  LB7DJ
You have worked Bhutan. Just reached 150 countries!

4/30/2024 5:11 PM  IV3KAS
You have worked Austral Islands. Just reached 247 countries!

4/30/2024 5:11 PM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to CT1AQD

4/30/2024 5:11 PM  HRDLOGnet
We have a new user. Welcome to W5IP

4/30/2024 5:11 PM  ZS1SA
You have worked Suriname. Just reached 180 countries!

4/30/2024 5:10 PM  lu3cm

4/30/2024 5:08 PM  oe6jve

4/30/2024 5:08 PM  F4TNK
You have worked Mayotte. Just reached 222 countries!

4/30/2024 5:07 PM  F4TNK
You have worked Mayotte. Just reached 222 countries!

4/30/2024 5:05 PM  IS0HGX
You have worked Nauru. Just reached 271 countries!

4/30/2024 5:03 PM  DM6LO
You have worked Mariana Islands. Just reached 200 countries!

4/30/2024 5:03 PM  LY3BFH
You have worked Bhutan. Just reached 217 countries!

4/30/2024 5:02 PM  EA4HQV

4/30/2024 5:01 PM  R0AJS
You have worked Albania. Just reached 160 countries!

4/30/2024 5:00 PM  iw2etr

4/30/2024 4:59 PM  W2RWM
You have worked Austral Islands. Just reached 141 countries!

4/30/2024 4:57 PM  IU2ROV
You have worked Malta. Just reached 58 countries!

4/30/2024 4:57 PM  W6NCU

4/30/2024 4:57 PM  KZ4TWB

4/30/2024 4:56 PM  ON5VN
You have worked Ogasawara. Just reached 232 countries!

4/30/2024 4:56 PM  IZ0DPP
You have worked Malawi. Just reached 121 countries!

4/30/2024 4:55 PM  IZ0ZAD
You have worked Nauru. Just reached 219 countries!

4/30/2024 4:55 PM  DH2YBG

4/30/2024 4:52 PM  F1SZC
You have worked Mayotte. Just reached 208 countries!

4/30/2024 4:51 PM  IU7GTP
You have worked Cambodia. Just reached 226 countries!

4/30/2024 4:49 PM  WD0ECA
You have worked Austral Islands. Just reached 151 countries!

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DH2YBG: 111


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